No Hassle, Safe and Reliable Chlorine Dioxide Systems
Robust, proven Chlorine Dioxide technology that delivers exceptional biocidal and oxidising power to some of the most challenging applications worldwide.
Chlorine Dioxide’s high oxidation capacity and low oxidation strength make it the ideal water biocide for a number of hydrocarbon extraction applications, whether for sulphide scavenging, enhanced oil recovery, batch biociding, or injection water treatment. Chlorine Dioxide has low environmental impact, as it does not form chlorinated by-products and degrades to salt in most environments.
ChloroKlean’s extensive experience in the sector means our in-house engineering experts can deliver systems to your exact requirements. Systems provided range from pre-fabricated, oilfield certified skid mounted or containerised biocide solutions, through to customised engineered plants for the most demanding applications.
Our capabilities include full integration with your chemistry, corrosion engineering and environmental teams regarding compatibility. We can also offer a fully managed engineering solution comprising installation and site E&I controls. EX rated systems can also be supplied as required.
ChloroKlean is the first choice for businesses considering Chlorine Dioxide. We specialise in delivering Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) dosing systems using the latest technology and expertise.

At ChloroKlean we are always keen to be of assistance to our clients from all over the world while offering remarkable products with a time-tested customer service. Tell us what your requirements are and we will gladly help you proceed.