Trusted around the world to deliver Chlorine Dioxide to public drinking water, ChloroKlean bring the same exacting standards & technology to your private water supply.
There has been an increase in the number of private water supplies being registered, due to increasing water charges and difficulties in securing new connections. In the UK, local authorities are holding private water supply operators to ever greater scrutiny, to ensure the safety and security of water is upheld to the Private Water Supplies Regulations.
Often borehole companies will fit a simple hypochlorite dosing system to a newly connected supply, along with a water filter if needed. Where a local authority detects high levels of E Coli, Legionella, total coliforms, Pseudomonas or TVCs in your water supply, this simple chlorination treatment is unlikely to be sufficient.
ChloroKlean manufacture and support advanced borehole treatment systems based on Chlorine Dioxide. Chlorine Dioxide in water is several times more powerful than hypochlorite, yet is safe and easy to handle. Utilising the same ClO2 advanced chemistry used in our larger Chlorine Dioxide water treatment systems for public water supplies, our borehole treatment systems are suitable for small scale water disinfection.
Fitted by your existing water treatment specialist or a local plumber; a ChloroKlean water disinfection system delivers the biocidal power of Chlorine Dioxide and will reduce bacterial counts in your water system significantly. Contact us now for details of systems likely to be suitable to you, and details of local installers.
Quick Fact: Gram for gram, Chlorine Dioxide delivers 3-10 times more biocidal power than hypochlorite based treatments