Unrivalled Flock Performance
CK-FloraDox – Unbeatable stock health with a combined water sanitation and gut enhancement program.
ChloroKlean has significant experience providing clean, palatable water to intensive farming systems. Traditionally chemicals such as Hydrogen Peroxide and Chlorine have been used in this sector, however they are inefficient and are more hazardous than Chlorine Dioxide.
Our combined approach helps customers to improve their farm to plate production and make cost savings at the same time:
Water Sanitation + Microflora Enhancement = superior flock health & performance
Water Sanitation + Microflora Enhancement = superior flock health & performance
Water Sanitation:
Ten times more powerful part for part than Hydrogen Peroxide, ChloroKlean Biox Chlorine Dioxide eliminates biofilm quicker than any other product:
- Destroys biofilm at source including lime scale, iron, and manganese.
- Significantly improves palatability, maximising food intake.
- Safety assured with no pre-mixing or dilution
- No breathable hazards or potential injury from chemical burns.
Microflora Enhancement:
A unique blend of organic acids designed to stimulate activity in the major target zones of the gastrointestinal tract:
- Does not rely on pH adjustment, unlike conventional acid treatments
- Significantly reduces antibiotic, vitamin and supplement usage, and provides for a higher immune response to vaccination
- Enhancement evolves through competitive exclusion of pathogenic and invasive bacteria
- Improves epithelial cell growth, increases surface area for nutrient transfer and maximises nutrient values.
Quick Fact: Recent trials for FloraDox gave an average of 100 gram+ increase in bodyweight per bird at 42 days, and mortality rates up to 10% lower than controls.