ChloroSan Disinfectant Tablets

Cleaning & Disinfection

Chlorine Disinfectant Tablets and Granules

ChloroSan® | Chlorine disinfectant tablets.  Available as chlorine only or combined with a compatible detergent.

ChloroSan Granules | Absorbent chlorine granules for direct application to wet blood spills.

ChloroSan chlorine tablets are added to water to provide a biocidal solution suitable for disinfection and cleaning in healthcare and other demanding environments where disinfection is an integral part of the everyday hygiene regime.

One ChloroSan tablet is added per litre of water to create a general purpose chlorine disinfecting solution suitable for mopping of hard surface floors and wipe down of work surfaces etc.

* Supply Chain saving calculated by comparing cost of ChloroKlean MRB1414 with 12 direct equivalents also listed on NHS Supply Chain.  Savings range from 6 – 72%.  Contact your CSSL Account Manager for an individual savings comparison.


  • General Disinfectant Solutions (1 tablet per litre of water) |  Effective against bacteria, spores, yeasts, moulds and viruses.
  • Chlorosan has been tested to: EN13727 and EN13697 (bactericidal), EN 13724 and 13687 (yeast and fungi), EN14476 (virucidal) and EN 14348 (mycobactericidal).
  • Strong Disinfecting Solutions (1 tablet per 100ml of water) | Additionally tested to EN17126 (sporicidal).

ChloroSan Tablets ChloroSan Granules Dilution Bottle
Chlorosan 1 Chlorosan 2 Chlorosan 3
  • For challenging clean-ups, add one tablet to 100ml of water to create a strong chlorine disinfecting solution suitable for use with blood spills. (Check user instructions for full details.)
  • Chlorosan granules can be applied directly to a wet blood spill.
  • Our reusable dilution bottle provides for safe and reliable dilution and dispensing of ChloroSan solutions, ensuring user safety, compliance with protocols, and avoidance of unnecessary waste. 
Product Use – ChloroSan Tablets Solution Contact Time
General Area Disinfection 1,000ppm 5 minutes
Sporicidical (C.difficile) Disinfection 1,000ppm 10 minutes
Blood Spill Disinfection (wet and dry) 10,000ppm 3 minutes
Prod. Code Pack Code ChloroSan Description Tablet Weight (g) Pack Quantity / Size Case Quantity
CKMRB1411 SC018-0.5-600 ChloroSan 0.5g 1.1 600 tablets 6
CKMRB1412 SC018-1.7-200 ChloroSan 1.7g 3.22 200 tablets 6
CKMRB1413 SC017-150 ChloroSan 1.7g with detergent (3.22g tablet) 3.22 150 tablets 6
CKMRB1414 SC017-210 ChloroSan 1.7g with detergent (3.22g tablet) 3.22 210 tablets 6
CKMRB1410 SC018-2.5-100 ChloroSan 2.5g (4.7g tablet) 4.7 100 tablets  6
CKMFB1090  SC018-G ChloroSan Granules 50% NaDcc 500g dispenser  8
CKMFB1091  SC018-6CBOT ChloroSan Dilution bottle 1 litre NA  NA 6

ChloroSan User Support | ChloroKlean Training Portal

ChloroSan is not a difficult product to use, however it is essential that instructions are followed so that the solution is made to the correct strength for the application and users are not exposed to risk.

All product information, technical data sheets, video links and product training posters are accessible from our Training Portal.  To request access please complete contact us form.

Training Portal resources include:

  • A short, animated product video for training ancillary and facilities management staff.
  • Information posters for display adjacent to ChloroSan tablets or in other suitable locations.
  • Ready reference pocket cards for cleaners.
  • Technical and Material Safety Data Sheets.
General Area Cleaning and Disinfection Cleaning Blood Spills
Chlorosan Poster General Disinfection Chlorosan Poster Blood Spills

Average Saving for NHS Supply Chain: 30.75%*

Samples?  E mail ChloroSan samples or call +44 333 772 7379 to request your sample tub**. 

More Information?  Complete the enquiry form on the top right of the page, e mail ChloroKlean Enquiries or call +44 333 772 7379.

** Provision of ChloroSan samples is dependent on potential order volume.

ChloroKlean is the first choice for businesses considering Chlorine Dioxide. We specialise in delivering Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) dosing systems using the latest technology and expertise.

Gavin Owen
MD, ChloroKlean
How can we help you?

At ChloroKlean we are always keen to be of assistance to our clients from all over the world while offering remarkable products with a time-tested customer service. Tell us what your requirements are and we will gladly help you proceed.

We Are Here To Help And Assist With Any Requirement Or Questions.